My story
Written by Graham Eldred on July 17th 2019
  Hey there! 
     It's hard to look back of this screenshot from when I was knocking on death's door. You see back in 2012 I nearly died. I spent 7 days in Bryn Mawr Hospital in Pennsylvania suffering and watching Doctor after Doctor scratch their head. (I checked the sheets and they charge about $400 everytime they "scratch their head" at you). I was told a lot of maybes and uncertainties, pumped full of Antibiotics and finally released in a semi-stable state in my body. This "visit" to death's doorstep left me with $50,000 in debt and an even bigger hunger to learn. 
     Lets backup a little ways.. You see I have always been passionate about helping others. When I was in Middle school and highschool I did missions trips in the summer to Mexico where I helped lead community service projects. During the school year, If I wasn't in school or competing athletically, I would be on AOL Instant Messenger talking with friends and giving them advice. After Highschool I attended Bible college to become a counselor but quickly realized it wasn't where I belonged. This lead me to seek out more life experiences and really find what I wanted to do. I ended up running a small store and raised money to become a missionary with some contacts I had in Ecuador. It was during that time in my life where I first started to think about where food came from and how the world really worked. I had some incredible experiences but ultimately returned to the states to continue to find what I really wanted to do. I decided to go back to college, but this time for something I was really interested in, Natural Resource Sustainability. During my second semester we went on a field trip to a Draft horse powered Farm in the St. Lawrence River valley (The owner of this farm wrote a book called "The Dirty Life", I highly recommend it). This field trip totally changed my life. I'll never forget how I fell in love with farming, the food and the processes that all go into sustainable farming. I can still remember asking the farmer, how does someone get into doing this and make it work. His simple words rocked my world. "Leave school, stop going further into debt and start farming". Some field trip!
     Needless to say I took his advice. I left school and started working to pay off my debt. It was during this time that I became extremely ill and nearly died. I had put my body through a lot of stress in my childhood. I was a wrestler for 12 years and practically starved myself while overworking for 6 of those years to "make weight". Years of abusing my body, poor nutrition and immense stress had caught up with me and it was kicking my A**. By the end of my stay in the hospital the Doctors came to the conclusion that I had Double Pneumonia, Lyme disease, Epstein Barr and Mononucleosis. Not to mention nutritional deficiencies, parasites and other problems.
     After being released from the hospital I was invited to a chiropractor's office to start taking a look at my body from a natural perspective. They moved some things around structurally and put me on a supplement to help support my adrenals. This short visit had me recovering significantly faster than what Doctors told me. Supposedly I would not be able to work or do any sports for 6 months as my body recovered. I was working in a greenhouse and doing Taekwondo within 2 weeks of my visit to the chiropractors. Although I was feeling some better I still had some major difficulties. I had almost no energy, was dealing with depression, not sleeping and had major brain-fog. Even still I kept working and learning, pressing through the problems like so many people do. One year later, I had an opportunity arise to take over a farm in Northern Pennsylvania and I jumped at the opportunity. I had little working capital but big dreams.

Me driving my belgian team on the farm

I was doing what I had dreamt of doing but was still struggling with no energy, poor digestion, lack of sleep and more. Every single task felt like an impossible one and I was completely overwhelmed. One day I finally decided to go see a Dr. and see if they had some answers. After waiting for an hour the Dr entered the room and asked me what my chief complaint was. I began to tell him but he interrupted me 15 seconds in and told me I was just depressed. He wrote a prescription for an antidepressant and told me to check back with him in a couple weeks. I was beside myself. Something was still seriously wrong with my body and this Dr totally just blew me off. Today, I am nothing but grateful for this "Doctor" because this was the exact push I needed to take matters into my own hands. It was at this moment that I really begin learning about life, the body and how to heal it naturally.
Since that day 6 years ago, I have devoted my life to learning about natural healing and helping others to heal their own bodies as I did. Today my body functions better than it ever has and I am completely free from Autoimmune disease. I sleep completely through the night, wake up without any alarm around 5 AM every day and get more done in half a day than most do in several days. In late 2019 I even completed a full marathon with a 10lb pack on with NO TRAINING and fully recovered within 2 days. The awesome part about all this, is I do it without drinking a single sip of Coffee or other energy products (natural or synthetic).  
I'm not saying these things to brag, but to encourage you that there is a system and design for our body to heal and function naturally WAY beyond what your likely experiencing. It has WAY more to do with just diet and exercise.

What I've learned is SO POWERFUL and has created so many amazing results in others, that I've decided to make it my mission to help as many people as I can. We simply don't have the luxury of time anymore where we can live by default with our health and ignore the signs that something is wrong.
TOO MANY PEOPLE are dealing with Sickness, Infertility, Disease, Weakened Immune systems, NO ENERGY and a plethora of other problems. Many of these problems being a surface symptom for an underlying cause that's a ticking time bomb.

The way I see it you have 3 choices...
1. Do nothing and let the bomb go off
2. Try to figure out how to diffuse it on your own and hope it doesn't go off in the meantime
3. Let someone who knows exactly how to defuse the bomb defuse it
As a bonus for submitting your email here, I wanted to extend to you the first invitation to join me on what I call the Apex of Health. I have spent months compiling this 6 week course in order to teach you exactly how to create a life that is not only void of your current health challenges, but is full of energy, focus, productivity and fun.
The problem is that I only work with 10 people at a time and this class is going to fill up quickly. As of writing this, 3 spots have already been filled.
So if you are ready to take control of your health and get fast, predictable results click the button below to schedule a free strategy session and fill out the application survey.
Time is ticking..

Graham Eldred

Graham Eldred helps people to predictably detoxify and rebuild their body naturally by identifying hidden problems and their correlating solutions. He is an expert at helping people find effective solutions to their health challenges. If you're interested in finding out more of how his systems can help you achieve and maintain optimal health then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
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